Wheat flour is a result of grain of wheat that has been through the process of grinding.Wheat was first discovered in the Middle East region before 9600 BC and in history is one of the first grains grown by humans on a large scale. In line with the growth and distribution of human populations, as well as wheat as staple food also spread throughout the world. That's what then raises a variety of varieties and types of wheat that exist today.

Currently, wheat-based food has become a staple food in many countries, even in Indonesia can be found a variety of foods made from flour. High nutritional content, easy and practical processing, sufficient availability, and relatively affordable prices, make wheat-based foods quicker in many countries.WHEAT TECHNICAL PROPERTIES
In addition to containing many carbohydrates, wheat also contains proteins in the form of gluten. This gluten content that distinguishes between flour and other flour. Gluten is a compound in flour that is elastic and elastic, which plays a role in determining the quality of a food it produces. The higher the gluten content, the higher the protein content in the flour. Gluten content in wheat, depends on the type of wheat.

In order for the maximum quality of food, the thing to note is the accuracy in choosing the type of flour. High protein flour (12% -14%) is appropriate for bread and noodle making. Flour with medium protein (10.5% -11.5%) is suitable for making food such as pastry / pie, sponge and donut. As for the crispy foods such as fried foods, biscuits, cookies, wafers and cakes using protein flourlow.Characteristics of Wheat Flour
Wheat flour has the following characteristics:1. Color: white2. Shaped: small grain3. Textured: Soft4. Scented: typical wheat5. Flavor: Tasteless6. Highly protein
Quality of FlourWheat quality is influenced by moisture, and some other physical parameters, such as water absorption, development time, stability, and others.

a. Moisture
Moisture shows moisture content in wheat. When the amount of moisture exceeds the maximum standard then it can decrease the flavor of wheat flour, because it will be more quickly damaged, moldy and musty smell.

b. Water Absorption
Water absorption is the ability of flour to absorb water. The ability of water absorption in wheat will be reduced when moisture is too high or moist storage. Water Absorption requirement is highly dependent on the product to be produced. In making bread generally needed water absorption higher than the manufacture of noodles and biscuits.

c. Developing Time
Developing time is the time it takes the dough to reach the state of calis when stirred. When less stirring time is called under mixing which results in insufficient volume, crude bread / crumbs, bread is too chewy, aroma of sour bread, hard bread is hard, the skin surface is broken and thick. Whereas the excess of stirring is called over mixing which results in bread volume extends / flat, bread less fluffy, crude bread / crumbs, pale bark color, bread surface shrinks, the surface of the loaf of bread many bubbles and bread is not chewy.NutritionName of Food: Wheat FlourOther Name / Alternative: -Number of Wheat Flour studied (Food Weight) = 100 grWheat Flour consumable (Bdd / Food Edible) = 100%The amount of Energy Content of Wheat Flour = 365 kcalNumber of Protein Flours of Wheat Flour = 8.9 grNumber of Content of Wheat Flour = 1.3 grTotal Carbohydrate Content of Wheat Flour = 77.3 grNumber of Calcium Content of Wheat Flour = 16 mgNumber of Phosphorus Content of Wheat Flour = 106 mgThe amount of iron content of wheat flour = 1 mgNumber of Vitamin A Content of Wheat Flour = 0 IUNumber of Vitamin B1 Content of Wheat Flour = 0.12 mgNumber of Vitamin C Content of Wheat Flour = 0 mgFunction
Flour is now the main ingredient in the manufacture of various foods ranging from traditional food to modern food as it is today. However, every food made has the same texture. Therefore, we must choose the right wheat flour for use in making the food ter mention. Here I will describe some types of wheat flour based on the appropriate protein content to make food:

Low protein flour
Now, looking at whether the flour is low or high protein can be seen behind the information that is behind the packaging.Low protein flour is suitable for making cakes that are hard-textured and hard. As with various fried foods, biscuits, cookies, and also crepes. This flour is not suitable for making a flourishing cake.

Medium protein flour
For you who want to make pancakes, dorayaki, sponge cake, chiffon cake or flour with a soft and fluffy texture. Type of protein flour is suitable for use. The reason, the content of wheat protein in the flour tends to be neutral.High protein flour
Flour with high protein content is suitable to serve cakes that tend to want large fluffy and slightly coarse texture. As with noodles, pizza, bread, sweet bread and other cakes.

Well that's a little explanation of wheat flour from me. Hopefully useful for all of you, give a comment if anyone wants to ask or want to provide corrections for my blog, keep waiting for my next post. Thank you guys.



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