Salt is the ingredients / spices found in almost all civilizations. It is estimated that the beginning of the emergence is from the Neolithic era. Reay Tannahill in his book Food in History mentions that the production of salt has been done by humans in the Neolithic era that is the phase or level of culture in prehistoric times that have characteristics in the form of cultural elements, such as tools of sharpened stone, settled agriculture, livestock, and pottery. But the use of 'salty taste' in food has been done man a thousand centuries before humans produce it in the era of the neolithic. Before it was discovered how to produce salt, humans give a salty taste to their food by using it with seawater, but the taste will soon disappear when it is cooked (burned). Salt began mass production is estimated to be done in the first millennium before Christ, where at that time had been established Administrative government in China, the Ptolemy Dynasty in Egypt and the Sekulus Dynasty in Persia.
In Cambridge World History of Food, Kenneth F. Kiple and Kriemhild Conee Ornelas write that in the early days of the production of salt we now know, Sodium Chloride (NaCl) is done by several methods such as by evaporating sea water with the help of sunlight, boiling water which contains salt to form a layer of salt to salt mining that has been fossilized due to natural processes in salt water sources.
The history of salt in ancient greece

As important as salt in life, Plato describes salt as "a material beloved of gods", Aristotle writes that salt is a spring gift derived from a god and homer calls salt "divine revelation". In Ancient Rome, the price of salt was very expensive. Because of the expensive salt of the time then used to pay the salaries of workers and soldiers with salarium (salt). The term salarium (Latin) which means 'salt' is used for salary which is then taken in English salary. Funny thing salt in old English is 'sealt'. If we remove the last two letters -lt, we will get the word 'sea' which means the sea. It may also mean that because sea water tastes salty and salt comes from the sea.The history of salt in the archipelago

This history of salt in this archipelago that Denys Lombard also mentioned is still to be written because in the Encylopaedie Nederlandsch Indie under the zout entry (salt) does not give any details about the history of salt before the 19th century.
In fact, far earlier according to some notes besides coconut sugar, tamarind, shrimp paste, salted fish, onion and various spices, salt (wuyah) is one of the food commodities and spices brought by traders who are more professional and have a range more widespread in Java (Rahardjo 2002: 331; Nastiti 1995: 88-89). It can be found in the inscriptions of the IX-X century AD. In this case salt obtained by the ancient way closely related to the process of preservation of fish (salted fish) at that time Monopoly of the colonial government not only in Java and Madura, the monopoly extends to several districts in Sumatra and almost all Borneo (Kalimantan). Meanwhile in southwest Sulawesi, salt production is still in the hands of private parties (Handbook of the Netherlands Indies 1930: 121)
In the Japanese era when salt production in Java stopped, Sumatran populations rushed to boil sea water to get salt. In 1957 the salt monopoly was removed. The country's salt turned into a state enterprise in 1960 (Cribb 2004: 382).


1. Table saltThis one salt is the most in homes. This one salt is harvested from salt deposits that are underground.The shape is very smooth and processed so as not easy to clot. Most table salt has been given extra iodine to prevent iodine deficiency.2. kosher saltThis salt is also commonly found in kitchen kitchens. The size of kosher salt is large and rough. Large grains suitable to spice up the meat that will give a blast of taste in cooking. Despite its large size, it quickly spreads and dissolves easily in food.In the market, there are kosher salts that have been given additional iodine and not. We recommend looking at the label, before buying to know the content.3. Sea saltDerived from evaporated seawater, sea salt is usually not purified and more coarse. In addition, sea salt contains some minerals such as zinc, potassium, and iron so it feels more complex salt.4. Himalayan SaltThis salt is harvested from Pakistan close to the Himalayas. The pink color in salt comes from the rich mineral content contained in it, such as magnesium, potassium, and calcium.5. Celtic SaltThis one salt is harvested from the Celtic sea off the coast of France. This salt color is typical, ie gray. Suitable for cooking fish and meat.6. Kala namakDerived from Himalayan salt that has been previously stored on jars mixed with charcoal, spices, seeds, and bark. Then, heated before saving. The process gives the color of black red salt. Usually used by vegetarians.7. Crystalline Sea SaltThis salt comes from the coast of Portugal and California with different textures. There is a fine texture and some are rough. The size is also irregular depending on how quickly the salt is dissolved.The color of this salt is adjusted from its mineral content. This salt is very suitable to be sprinkled on salad and salmon fillet.
FUNCTION OF SALTIn the culinary:1. Salt serves to provide a savory taste.

2. Salt evokes flavor and aroma of other ingredients Salt controls yeast activity in the fermentation process.
Increase the shelf life of bread.
Another benefit of salt for dough is that it can reduce pores-pores, because salt also has an astringent nature.
Salt is able to evoke flavor or aroma. In addition, salt can also lower the digulizing temperature in the dough, also plays an important role in causing the color of the crust.
Salt also serves as a deterrent to the growth of bacteria in cooking so that salt is often used as a means of making dried foods such as salted fish.
Salt also serves as a remover of fishy aroma from fish, chicken, and so forth.
In terms of Health:

Sodium is one of the primary electrolytes in the body. Third-three electrolytes (sodium, potassium and calcium) are present in un-filtered salts, like others that are also important for the body to run the process at optimum levels. Too much salt or too little may cause electrolyte disturbance that carries danger instead may cause neurological problems that may bring death. One study proved that men with hypertension and low sodium urea levels were associated with higher risk of getting heart disease.

Healthy drink.

health drink products are primarily designed as a beverage product to restore freshness of the body and replace minerals that come out with sweat from the body during metabolic processes or heavy sports activities. Generally, health drink products in addition to sweeteners and active substances, also contain minerals in the form of ions such as sodium ions (na +), potassium (k +), magnesium (mg ++), calcium (ca ++), carbonate - bicarbonate (co3 2- and hco3 2-), and chloride (cl-).Salt bath

In the book of harry's cosmeticology, bath salts are defined as additives for baths consisting of a mixture of nacl salts with other soluble inorganic chemicals, then given essentials oil, dyes, and possibly enzymes as well.Salt consumption
Salt kitchen is a medium that has long been used to eradicate the disorders due to iodine deficiency (gaki), namely by the process of fortification (addition) of salt using iodide salt or iodate such as kio3, ki, nai, and others. the selection of salt as an iodized medium is based on data, salt is a definite kitchen spice used in the household, and is widely used for additional ingredients in the food industry, so hopefully the success of the gaki program will be high.Intravenous fluids

The nacl infusion fluid is the aquabidest mixture and pharmaceutical grade salt which is useful for supplying nutrients and minerals for hospitalized admissions.

Usually mineral salt substances are present in the drinks we drink and also on the foods we eat. Some uses and functions of mineral salts:

1. Iodine / Iodine / I

Iodine mineral is usually found in salt-free kitchen available on the market, but not all types and brands of salt contain iodine. Iodine plays an important role to help the development of intelligence or intelligence in children. Iodine can also help prevent mumps, mumps or mumps. Iodine serves to form a tyrosine substance that is formed in the thyroid gland.2. Phospor / Phosphorus / P

Phosphorus functions for bone formation and forming teeth.3. Cobalt / Cobalt / Cobalt / Co

Cobalt has the function to form blood vessels and builder B.4. Chlor / Chlorine / Cl

Chlor used our body to form HCl or hydrochloric acid in the stomach. HCl has the usefulness of killing germs in gastric diseases and also activating pepsinogen into pepsin.5. Magnesium / Mg

The function or usefulness of magnesium is as a substance that forms red blood cells in the form of an oxygen-binding agent and hemoglobin.6. Mangaan / Mangan / Mn

Mangaan serves to regulate the growth of our body and the reproductive system.
7. Copper / Cuprum / Cu

Copper in the human body is useful as a hemo globin forming in red blood cells.8. Calcium / Calcium / Ca

Calcium or also called lime is a mineral substance that has a function in forming bones and teeth and has a role in muscle vitality in the body.9. Potassium / K

Potassium we need as the formation of heart muscle activity.10. Zincum / Zinc / Zinc / Zn

Zinc by the human body is needed to form important enzymes and hormones. In addition, zinc also serves as a keeper of several types of enzymes, hormones and sensory activity taste or our tongue.11. Sulfur or Sulfur

This substance has a share in forming protenin in the body.12. Sodium / Na

Sodium is a mineral substance that we rely on to form faram in the body and as a conductor of impulses in nerve fibers and osmotic pressure in cells that keep the fluid balance of cells with fluids around them.13. Flour / F

Flour plays a role for the forming of enamel layer that protects against all kinds of dental disorders.

The danger behind salt

Without salt the dishes tasted bland. However, be careful. Pleasure of food with salt can also cause various diseases.

"Excessive amounts of salt in the body will be excreted, it also causes calcium to come out," said Asti while adding a normal salt content in the body of 500 grams. This condition if persistent will cause osteoporosis.
In fact, the risk of causing fractures. Similar disclosed Professor Graham MacGregor of Cash (Consensus Action on Salt and Health). According to him, excessive salt intake in the body will cause stroke and heart attack, can even be more severe.
"High levels of salt in the body fluids will affect the function of other organs or brain, excessive amounts of salt causing widening of blood vessels, fatal condition is the rupture of blood vessels, and there was a stroke," said MacGregor. He further revealed, when the level of sodium is too high the body will hold too much fluid volume in the body that continues to increase.
Negative impact:

Feeling bloated or water retention? Salt is one of the main causes. Consuming too much salt can cause water retention, plus it may pose a high risk of high blood pressure. Reduce salt by choosing healthy and fresh foods that are not packaged in cans or through processing, then start experimenting with other spices, such as curry powder, garlic, cumin, or rosemary to help add flavor. In addition to increasing knowledge about culinary, you will also feel more energetic.




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