Pepper, also called Pepper / Sahang, which has a Latin name Piper Albi Linn is a plant rich in chemical content, such as pepper oil, fatty oil, and starch. Pepper is slightly bitter, spicy, warm, and antipyretic. This plant has been discovered and known since the century ago. In general, people only recognize white pepper and black pepper which is often used as a spice. This plant is one of world trade commodities and more than 80% result of pepper Indonesia print to foreign country. In addition, the pepper has the title of King of Spices (King of Spices) needed in the world in 2000 to reach 280,000 tons. Pepper is one of the plants that breed with seed, but many farmers prefer to do penyetekkan to develop it. They cut the stems approximately in length from 0.25 to 0.5 meters.


The pepper plant (Piper nigrum Linn) comes from the Western Ghat region of India. Likewise, pepper plants that are now widely grown in Indonesia are likely to originate from India. For in 110 BC - 600 BC many Hindu colonists came to Java. Those are the ones who are supposed to bring pepper seeds to Java. In the sixteenth century, pepper plants in Indonesia were newcultivated in small-scale (Java). But in the eighteenth century, the plant has been cultivated extensively (Anonymous, 1980).
   Pepper is one of the longest planted species. And the results have also long been traded in the European market. So that pepper trade in Indonesia finally known all over the world. The pepper marketed to Europe was brought by traders through trade centers such as Persia and Arabia, Middle East and Egypt. In advance has been expressed, that pepper crop has long been cultivated. This can be proved, that since the year 372 BC, the Greeks have known two types of pepper, namely black pepper and long pepper or chilli. In the year 1290 has been held also pepper trade relations between Java and China.
   The pepper trade rate of Indonesia is even more rapid, after Colombus in 1492 could find West India, in the Eastern Islands with its many spices. Dana was followed by Vasco da Gama who found a new road, through the tip of Africa in 1498 (Anonymous, 1980).
   In the Middle Ages, pepper was the king of commerce and was the most important and valuable spice of the time. Even for the kingdoms of Genua and Venice, pepper became a source of wealth, as well as kerosene in Indonesia today. Because at that time pepper was considered so valuable that in the XIV and XV centuries, in Germany the pepper was used as the exchange rate as well as money. Pepper is also used to pay the salaries of employees, taxes and so forth (Anonymous, 1980).


Pepper contains energy of 359 kilocalories, 11.5 grams of protein, 64.4 grams of carbohydrates, 6.8 grams of fat, 460 milligrams of calcium, 200 milligrams of phosphorus, and 17 milligrams of iron. Also in Pepper also contained vitamin A as much as 0 IU, vitamin B1 0.2 milligram and vitamin C 0 milligrams. The results were obtained from a study of 100 grams of pepper, with an edible amount of 100%.

1. Green Pepper

      This pepper is picked long before the pepper is ripe, so it has a green outer shell color. The flavor is fresh and very aromatic, but not spicy. Dried green pepper is commonly used for French, Creole and Thai food. Because the process of preserving the pepper is longer and the amount is less, this pepper so expensive.
2. Red Pepper or Rose

      This pepper is not really pepper, but a raw berries coming from a pepper tree in Brazil. This pepper tree can be found in California, Arizona, Florida and Texas. This pepper is also commonly referred to as red pepper in trade and cookbooks.

Pepper pepper is commonly used in Nouveau dishes or as a mixture with other herbs. It tastes the same as black pepper, but it's softer and more sour, with a little sweetness. This type of pepper has a price that is expensive and difficult to find in the market.
3. Red Pepper

   This type of pepper is sometimes confusing, as some people (also in some cookbooks) sometimes equate this pepper with Rose pepper or pink pepper. When in fact this pepper is a pepper that is completely cooked, with bright red color when pepper is picked.

Red pepper can be used when it is fresh, but this type of pepper is quickly damaged. Therefore, this pepper can be stored in saltwater, freeze-dried, or water-dried. The smell of red pepper is very complex, with a little spicy and hot taste.

4. White Pepper

   White pepper is a kind of mature pepper and the outer skin is gone peeled off. The common way to remove all of the outer pepper skin is to soak it with water for a few days, then rubbing the outer skin until it is completely peeled off.

White pepper has a simple aroma and spicy taste that is not sharp. This pepper is commonly used to make sauces, soups, potatoes, and drinks. The most popular white pepper in Northern Europe, defeating black pepper, with a ratio of 10: 1. This is inversely proportional to that in the United States by contrast.
5. Black Pepper

   Black pepper is most famous and widely used in the United States. Black pepper is made from ripe pepper but not too ripe, ie green pepper which has begun to turn yellow.

After picking, the fruit is boiled briefly, then fermented and dried naturally in the sun (or by warming with hot air) until wrinkles and blackened. Black pepper has a hot, spicy, and aromatic taste. In Egypt, this pepper is commonly used to help the mummy preservation process.
6. Szechuan Pepper


   Actually this is not really pepper, but berries from Prickly Ash trees in China. This pepper is grown and consumed in Asia, and is an important component in Chinese and Japanese cuisine.

This pepper is very aromatic, and our lips will be a bit numb if we taste it directly. Szechuan pepper is often baked before it is crushed. It fits perfectly with fish, chicken and duck, or hot spicy dishes.

Those were the pepper types. Hopefully can be an additional reference if you want to make food with different flavors.


Do not buy too much
    The fresh pepper has a sharper and better taste. Therefore avoid storing too much pepper at a time because it will make it lose its flavor. Pepper powder will lose its taste after 4 months.
Store in a closed place
    Store whole pepper and pepper powder in a dry and closed place. Keep away from direct sunlight and moisture so that pepper is not damaged.
Store in a glass case
   Its heat can damage plastic containers and it is possible to break down the chemicals in them. Therefore, you should save the pepper on a glass container. Avoid using plastic containers and spoons when storing them.



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