Chinese Spinach

   Chinese spinach and peanut salad are a combination of "old bean vinegar" (老醋 花生, lao cu hua sheng) and Chinese-style spinach salad. Both dishes are starred at local Chinese restaurants and sometimes people serve them together to create a better mouthfeel.To cook peanut vinegar, fried peanuts quickly fried until crunchy and then smeared with a spicy vinegar sauce. The beans are buttery and crunchy, while the vinegar adds a good flavor and makes the dish more tempting. The spinach salad shares the same idea, and the pale spinach is served with the same vinegar sauce. Both dishes are served as simple appetizers, or so-called cold dishes (凉菜, liang cai), in China. 

Beef Rice Bowl

   Beef rice bowl is a very popular dish in China. Though originally from Japan (its real name is Gyudon), many cafeterias in Beijing have adopted it and put it on their lunch menu. Gyūdon (牛 丼), a bowl of beef literally, is a Japanese dish consisting of a bowl of rice with beef and red onions boiled in a sweet sauce flavored with dashi (fish and seaweed), soy sauce and mirin (sweet rice wine). It also often includes shirataki noodles, and sometimes topped with raw eggs or soft boiled eggs (onsen tamago). Food that is very popular in Japan, usually served with beni shōga (pickled ginger), shichimi (ground chili), and side dishes of miso soup. Gyū is prefix for anything related to cow, and don is short for donburi, Japanese word for "bowl". 


    Tangzhong, or water roux, is a bread mixture made to make bread more moist. In this way the water content absorbed by the bread becomes more so that the resulting bread is difficult to dry. Tang zhong (also known as 'water roux') is the method used in baking to create soft and soft bread originating from Japan. However, it was popularized throughout Southeast Asia in the 1990s by a Chinese woman named Yvonne Chen who wrote a book called The 65 ° Bread Doctor. Using this method also allows the bread to remain fresh longer without the need to use artificial preservatives. In China called tang zhong, while in France the name is water roux method. But according to some sources, this method was first used in Japan with the name hokaido Bread, but popularized in China.· 

Egg Drop Soup

   In Chinese it is traditionally known as pinyin: and hua tang which literally means 'egg flower soup'. Chinese egg stew soup tastes fresh usually served after main course. You can also serve it anytime during the meal. The basic recipe Egg Dripping Soup (also called Egg Flower Soup) is very simple and quick to cook.Traditionally, the broth for Egg Dropping Egg is somewhat bland, allowing the egg flavor to stand out. Black or white pepper can be added for extra spicy flavor. It will be added after the seasoning. In authentic Chinese cuisine style, egg drop soup is thinner the consistency of their western counterparts. 

Khao Peow Ma Muany

   Khao Peow Ma Muany is a traditional Thai dessert made with sticky rice, fresh mango and coconut milk, and is eaten with a fork, spoon, or sometimes hand. Though originally from Thailand, it is consumed throughout the Indochina region of Southeast Asia, including Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam. Mango glutinous rice is usually eaten in peak mango season, the April and May summer months in Thailand. The famous mango seafoods in Bangkok such as the Wong Wian Yi Sip Song Karakadakhom neighborhood at Pom Prap Sattru Phai near Hua Lamphong, which will only be sold for 4 months per year (February to June), and in Samphrang neighborhood in Phra Nakhon near Giant Swing and Chao Por Suea Joss House, with Ban Mo near Si Kak Phraya Si Intersection and Pak Khlong Talat, etc.


   Historical records collected by Makassar Tourism Agency through the Field of Destinations, some time ago, mentions, Jalangkote 'this is one type of typical snacks Makassar. Jalangkote comes from the word 'bitch' which means road and "kote '" which means clucking or shouting. Jalangkote 'was once sold by small children who sell around from house to house while walking. This is what causes the food is called jalangkote.Sekilas, this snack is similar to pastels. The difference lies in the skin. Pastel skin is usually thicker than jalangkote. Initially jalangkote stuffing is minced meat stir fried with small sweet potato pieces cut into dice and toge. The key to jalangkote's enjoyment lies in its vinegar made from vinegar water, the remaining water of Jalangkote 's stir filling, garlic, sugar, large chilies to give color, and small chilies for a spicy taste sensation. 


   Konro soup is a typical Indonesian beef ribs dish originating from Bugis and Makassar tradition. This soup is usually made with beef ribs or beef ribs. Blackish-colored berkuah cuisine is usually eaten with burasa and diamonds are cut into pieces first. This dark color comes from the kluwek fruit that is black. Season is relatively "strong" due to the use of cilantro. Spicy and spicy flavor is made from a mixture of spices, such as cilantro, kowak (fruit that causes black food), little nutmeg, turmeric, kencur, cinnamon, tamarind, lemon leaves, cloves, and bay leaf. The original konro was cooked in a soup-rich form of spice, but now there is a dry variation called "Konro bakar" that is roasted beef ribs with typical conical seasoning. 

Pisang ijo

   Makassar Tourism Destination Head Andi Karunrung said ijo iced banana is one of the best selling snack Makassar when entering the month of Ramadan because the most fitting choice menu to break the fast. Banana ijo ice is made from whole plantains wrapped with green flour dough and the cooking process is steamed.Banana king is chosen as the basic ingredients of banana ijo because the texture of plantains is solid even though in a very mature state.Ijo banana is served with shaved ice, syrup of banana ambon flavor, and coconut milk sauce to taste. If the banana in the green dough is cut into pieces, in a bowl of iced banana ice creates a festive color: green, yellow, pink, and white. Regardless of the history of it, Banana Ijo not only represents taste but also symbolizes elegance as well as energy. Ijo's delicious banana I think is made of banana kepok or utti manurung steamed, leaving a little flavor with a texture that is not too soft but also not hard, coated with flour dough that is chewy but not sticky with a distinctive pandanus scent. Then combined with fla or porridge with savory coconut milk is not dominant flour taste, do not forget DHT syrup with sweet and distinctive aroma.For Bugis-Makassar people, green is a symbol of elegance, malabbiri. Green is a sacred color. From the side of psychology, green provides a sense of peace for those who see it. The combination of green, white and slightly red makes banana ijo indeed look very attractive, its position can be pitted with the international dessert. In nutritional science, banana as the main ingredient of banana ijo, is believed to be the most complete source of nutrition and contains enough calories to produce energy and maintain stamina. Bananas are also believed to promote blood circulation and normalize heart function.


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