Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

   Hey, whut's poppin the kitchen lovers, we back again on the daily activity, for this week we just post 3 daily activity because on thursday is a public holiday so there are no practical on that day. so i also wanna tell you this week is my last week practical before we final. but, don't worry guys, i will post again how the atmosfer when i final practice. so, you can feel the atmosfer when we final.
   on this day we start the practical start from oneline and then we take a pray. after that, we reviewing the menu that we want to prepared a moment. because, the menu has been to served on last 2 week. for this day, my group get job to prepare the main course.
   so we preprare start from thawing the beef, and then we prepare the black pepper sauce. after we prepare the black pepper sauce, we prepare the beef. start from, cutting the beef until we marinate the beef. after the ingredients are prepared, we get 1 hour to take a rest. and then at 13.00 we going back to the kitchen and then we general cleaning. at 16.00 we go home.

blackpepper sauce

shitake mushroom




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