Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

   holla what's up gengs!!! today is my last day practical on kitchen campuss because i wanna go to jakarta for 6 month for training at hotel on jakarta. and for today is my final practical day so i must make the best dish for today.
   so for today we start the practical at 09.00 but, we can't do anything because the final practical concide with ramadhan so we start finishing product at 12.30. before we practic the lecturer check our grooming and finaltest card.
   at 12.30 we start practical and i get the maincourse section so we prepare all about ingredients that maincourse need. ohyaa!! for today we serve thailand menu so start from the appetizer untill the dessert from thailand. after we plating, one by one must plating to chef ical. after all is done, we do the general cleaning adn briefing for go home.

thai beef salad

tom yam goong

the maincourse

mango sticky rice



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