Daily Activity 4th Day 8th Week (ENGLISH)

Daily Activity,

   Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

   Heyyhoo gengs, today is 4th day i practice on kitchen so this is the last day i practice on this week. For today, i still continue my product trial from cashew nut milk. Yesterday i just completing making ice cream from fresh milk (cow milk), and from ice cream from cashew nut but i refining the texture again with mixing the ice cream mixture with mixture for making the texture of the ice cream are soft and creamy.

   Today i just making the new ice cream with cashew nut milk, but for this chance i dont add the emulsifier for this ice cream so that i will see the best texture and taste of the ice cream. But not instant, i can't serve the ice cream for take the quetionnaire for today because the ice cream is not very well firm texture its still soft, so i let it freeze about overnight again.
   After that, i cleaning the work area, and then me and my team eating together. And then we briefing before we go back to home. So thats all my activity for today, keep waiting for the next update, see yaa!!! 


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