Daily Activity 3rd Week 3rd Week (ENGLISH)

Daily Activity

   Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

   Holla Whut's Poppin guys. On today, we just continue our croissant project. Because, our croissant that haved make yesterday is bad. So, Mr. ical want all of us to remake the croissant yesterday but just untill mixing step, and we resting untill overnight And we continue the next step on this morning.
   For this chance i make croissant very carefully because i wanna solve the mystery of this croissant. Like usually, i make 2 dough croissant. For the first dough i make butter croissant and the 2nd one i make red almond croissant. But, my butter croissant not doubled size and fail. Diffrent with the butter croissant, red almond croissant have very good layering. After i bake the red croissant, i cut horizontal on top of croissant and then i fill the almond cream after that finishing with the almond sliced. And then, we bake about 20 minutes again for make it almond sliced brown.
   Other than that, My team also preparing sour dough bread and pie crust. So, each member have a each job. After all is done, we do a general cleaning and go home.


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