Yeast has been used by humans from time immemorial to produce the desired food and drink. It can be stated here that yeast is the first microorganism used by humans in the food industry. Its use may be said long before the discovery of alphabet. From some ancient Egyptian relics, written in hieroglyphs, it is recorded that the Egyptians of that time had used yeast and fermentation processes in producing alcoholic beverages and making bread. The oldest known fermented beverage is a beer that has been produced since 4000 BC. Beer is made from raw materials, among others:1. Wheat (Berley), grains, other grains, which are processed into bread, then crushed are suspended with water and fermented.2. There is a sweet taste and there is a sour.

At that time, the fermentation or biochemical process is still a mystery and even considered a magical process. It is generally believed that fermentation in making alcoholic beverages and bread was originally a natural process of microbial activity as a contaminant in flour, grains and sugar-containing fruits. These microbes, including yeast and lactic acid bacteria, are commonly found in a variety of commonly grown grains and fruits. On the other hand, leaven is originally a soft medium like "dough". A small portion of the media is used as a "starter" to make more bread. Thus inherited this process is done, the use of "starter" it raises the habit to keep some of the beer, wine or "dough" bread is good to use on the next creation. For hundreds of years, it is a tradition for bakers to get yeast from by-products in wine making. Thus, it may be said that these bakers are also pioneers in utilizing microbes for industrial use.

Only after the discovery of a microscope then began to be observed about the yeast more carefully. This work was spearheaded by Louis Pasteur in the late 1860s concluding that yeast is a living microbe acting as an agent in the fermentation process and used since ancient times to raise bread dough. Not long after the discovery, efforts were made to neutralize yeast purely. With this capability begin commercial yeast production for baking purposes. The type developed is Saccharomyces cerevisiae called Baker's yeasts. Since then, bakeries, beverages and experts have begun trying to produce the right yeast pure strain for industrial purposes tailored to the taste and necessities of quality and other characteristics. While in Indonesia known as yeast for tape actually there is not pure of yeast type but will be mixed with the type of bacteria which is tailored to the needs of the product that will be produced. Products produced through yeast activities such as bread, beer, wine, vineger and so on.

In Indonesia in terms of producing traditional food or fermented foods using yeast is still not so entrenched when compared with the use of bacteria or fungi such as: Rhizopus spp., Aspergillus spp., Penicillium spp., Mucor spp. and others. Even looks very far behind with a starter derived from the group of lactic acid bacteria (BAL) "friendly bacteria" which is usually used as Probiotic. Probiotics are a group of beneficial living microbes that are used to affect host populations through the improvement of microorganisms in the digestive tract (Fuller 1992). For example, for the manufacture of dairy products, yogurt, yakult, milk drinks asidophilus, bifidus, nata de coco and so forth. This is mainly due to a lack of knowledge in yeast utilization and engineering as a starter or agent in the fermentation process. In addition, technically it is also difficult to acquire and develop desired species.The content of yeastYeast contains energy of 136 kilocalories, 43 grams of protein, 3 grams of carbohydrate, 2.4 grams of fat, 140 milligrams of calcium, 1900 milligrams of phosphorus, and 20 milligrams of iron. Also in Yeast also contain vitamin A as much as 0 IU, vitamin B1 0 milligram and vitamin C 0 milligrams. The results obtained from doing research on 100 grams of Yeast, with the amount of edible as much as 100%.

Know yeast and its typesBefore going any further, do you know that yeast is a developer material derived from a fungal species? There is one species of mushroom named Latin Saccharomyces cerevisiae which is most processed as bread yeast. When mixed in the dough, this fungus will encourage the fermentation process that will help the development process. But before mixing in bread dough, we must make sure first if the yeast is still "alive". How to check it, dissolve yeast in a mixture of water and sugar to taste. Wait for approximately 7-10 minutes, then look at the surface of the yeast solution. If there are many bubbles or foam, it is certain that yeast is ready for use.Oh yes, yeast has some kind. In Indonesia alone, there are three types of yeast that can be obtained in the market. This type of yeast is distinguished from its form and moisture content. The higher the moisture content, the shorter the duration. Let's see this one.a. Wet or Compressed YeastThis yeast is called the "old version" of other yeasts. Wet yeast has a smooth, dense, shaped texture or small cube wrapped in aluminum. Roughly like a block broth, yes. But among other types, wet yeast is easily dead. At least, this yeast can withstand in room temperature for 2-3 days. Therefore, the yeast is increasingly rarely found in supermarkets or cake shops. Brands in Indonesia for this yeast are Pinnacle, Five Stars, and Red Star.b. Active Dry Yeast (Active Dry Yeast)Compared to previous yeast, active dry yeast actually has a long resistance, which can reach one year in room temperature. This yeast is coarsely shaped and as the name suggests, the active dry yeast needs to be "turned on" before it is mixed in the dough. How to turn it on as described above, ie using water and sugar solution. Some of the famous brands in Indonesia are Pinnacle and Red Star.

c. Instant Yeast (Instant Yeast)Often heard the term Fermipan? Well, that's one of the famous instant yeast brands in Indonesia. Instant yeast granules are smaller than the active dry yeast. But about the endurance, the instant yeast dies faster than the active dry yeast, so this yeast needs to be moved to an airtight container after opening the packaging. Oh yes, this yeast does not need to be dissolved first, you know. Instant yeast can be directly mixed in the dough as it proves to be more actively active than other yeast types. In addition to Fermipan, there is also an instant yeast with the Mauri-pan brand, Saf-instant, GS (donut special), and Haan.

Benefits and Usage:

Solid yeast, in addition to being used for fermentation making tapai sometimes also to mengempukan fish or make pindang bandeng. In its use, dense yeast must be mashed before sown in other ingredients.
Dry yeast formed granules and powder can make bread dough becomes fluffy, soft and elongated.
For use, dried yeast granules should be mixed with warm water and sugar to form a 'dough mixture' before mixing with flour dough.While dried yeasts that form fine granules or instant yeast, how to use can be directly mixed in the dough flour, sugar, water and other ingredients.How to save Yeast:Under unused circumstances, yeast needs a warm atmosphere to keep the cells alive to activate their work. Then this yeast requires careful storage.1. Solid dens under normal circumstances are more rapidly damaged and will lose their fission power if stored in a temperature of 2 degrees C for 4 to 5 weeks. Solid yeast should always be kept in cold place (refrigerator).2. Dry yeast formed as fine grains is generally wrapped in tin packaging containing nitrogen to stay durable. For storage there is no need to be kept in a cool place (refrigerator), but if at all possible, keeping this yeast in a cool place will add to the usefulness of the yeast.3. The ideal temperature for keeping dry yeasts for long periods of time is 7 degrees C and needs to be considered often.



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