1.    CONE MAKER(equipment)
Function :  to make cone
Material  :  teflon
Cleaning : clean with wet cloth and finishing with dry cloth

2.    MARBLE TABLE (equipment)
Function :  table work for pastry or bakery product
Material  :  mabrle
Cleaning : clean with wet cloth and finishing with dry cloth

3.    ICE CREAM MAKER (equipment)
Function :  used for make ice cream
Material  :  stainless steel
Cleaning : clean with the wet cloth and finishing with dry cloth, for the bowl rinse with clean water

4.    DOUGH CUTTER (utensil)
Function :  used to cut dough
Material  :  stainless steel
Cleaning : clean with detergent and rinse with clean water, after that dry it.

5.    SPATULA (utensil)
Function :  used for flipping over the food when we fry
Material  :  stainless stee
Cleaning: clean with detergent and rinse with clean water, after that dry it.

6.    WOODEN SPATULA (utensil)
Function:  used for flipping over the food when we fry on the teflon
Material :  wood
Cleaning : clean with detergent and rinse with clean water, after that dry it.


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