Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

     On the 2nd day is many story in the kitchen gengs, we start from the beginning guys. We start our practical today like usually at 08.00 and the senior checking the attendance list after that, our senior are reviewing the menu for today that we prepare yesterday. And then, we get back to the each section to complete all the preparing.
   After the soup is all ready to served, i prepared french bread that will be served tomorrow. When i wanna bake the french bread, i get the problem, all the oven is on used. Automatically, i must wait it. And the french bread still fermenting. After the oven has been used, directly i bake the french bread. Not until here, i get new problem while french bread still baked. The gas is run out,as early as possible i change the empty gas chylinders with the new.
   At 12.00 restaurant is open. I and on of group member standby on the soup section for get the order. After the restaurant are closed and my french bread finished in bake, i can relaxing. But, when i get in to the pastry kitchen. I get a bad news from my friend who prepared the yellow butter cake for tomorrow. The bad news is yellow butter cake dough is failed. So directly, i handle it. I remake the dough and we finished. after that we general cleaning and prepare to go home. well, for today is very hectic, but alhamdulillah i can pass it, and i always attempted to post the blog for all of you guys. so don't worry guys. And keep waiting the new post. thank you gengss.  

ingridients of clam stock

sauteing process of main ingredients

mixture of the stock and main ingredients

flavouring process

clam chowder

ingredients of yellow butter cake

yellow butter cake before baking


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