Daily Activity (3rd day 3rd week)

Daily Activity

Assalamualaikum Warohmatullahi Wabarokatuh

   Holla whuts poppin guysss, welcome back again on my blog, the blog that you can get many culinary experience and kitchen story. So please throw away a bad things when you get on this blog and please take a good things that you will get on my blog guys. So this the 3rd day i parctice we will serve the eropean buffet menu that have we prepared yesterday and we will prepare also the next buffet menu althougt the date is public holiday but we still attend on that day. 

    For today we just boil the spaghetti and reheatting the bolognaise and beef stroganof. After that we prepare the indonesian buffet menu. For thursday, my team we will handle the indonesian dessert. The indonesian dessert that will we prepared is cucuru bayao and bolu peca. All the dessert we prepared today and tomorrow we just serve the dessert. After preparation is done, we keep on the chiller. 

   Some member of my team go to other team to help them completing the dish. And some member make a lunch for us. After that, we going to pray and then we lunch together before we general cleaning. After we lunch, we going to general cleaning the kitchen and we briefing for go home. So thats all my kitchen story for this day, keep waiting for the next post guys. Thank you.


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