Daily Activity (2nd day 3rd week)

Daily acitivity 

  Assalamualaikum warohmatullahi wabarokatuh

   Holla whuts poppin guysss, welcome back again on my blog, the blog that you can get many culinary experience and kitchen story. So please throw away a bad things when you get on this blog and please take a good things that you will get on my blog guys. On this 2nd day we will serve the oriental buffet menu that have we prepared yesterday. And directly we prepare the menu for wednesday.
   For wednesday we will serve the european buffet menu, for my team will handle main course menu is spagheti bolognese and beef stroganof. Preparation for today we just blanch the vegetable and plating the dish because we already prepared the dressing yesterday. While we wait restaurant is open me and my team prepare the dish for tomorrow start from cutting the beef and prepare the bolognaise. After i cut the beef, i cut the onion and bellpaper for the beef stroganof. 
   After that, we saute the ingredients and we make the beef steoganof, when the liquid are thick, we turn off the stove and we start to sous vide the beef stroganof. For the next we make the bolognaise sauce for tomorrow and we set a side untill the temperature is down and we keep on the chiller. When all the preparation is done, we start to do a general cleaning and then we briefing for go home. So thats all my activity on the kitchen for today, keep waiting the next post. See you.


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