Daily Activity 2nd Day 1st Week (ENGLISH)

Daily Activity

Assalamuaaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

    Heyyhoo Gengsss, back again on my blog and this is the 2nd day i practice on semester 5, i hope you will get many kitchen knowledge and kitchen story after you read this content. And i also dont forget to remind all of you guys about the bad things when you get on my blog please remind me and dont take that matter. On this day, me and my team just continue the preparation that was prepared on yesterday.
   The preparation for today is prepare the appetizer start from make a pastel dough, make a filling and shaping the dough, so that for tomorrow we just final touch is frying the pastel when we get order. For the next is soup, the preparation that we do on this day for soup is blanch all the main ingredients like squid, fish, prawn and crab. So that, for tomorrow we just make a stock and serve to the guest. Different with the maincourse, there is no cooking process on this day for maincourse because main course we must make it fresh and keep hot untill the guest take the food. So all the finishing we will start on tomorrow.
   For the next is the dessert, For dessert we make all of them on today because for make this it take a long time so we finished all the process on today. The last is good for share dish, for this dish it was prepared on monday so we just finishing with frying method also like a pastel on tomorrow. After all the preparation is done, we going to general cleaning to make all the kitchen area is clean. After that we going to briefing and go back home. So this is my daily activity on today, i hope you like it guys, stay tune for the next update, see you.


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